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How to install self-service software through Software Center - Knowledgebase / Software / Faculty/Staff - SOU IT Help Desk

How to install self-service software through Software Center

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Using Microsoft Software Center, available on all Windows computers throughout campus, you can now install many software packages on your own without having to call IT. The process is quick and simple. Just follow the steps below.


NOTE: If you don't find what you're looking for in our self-service software catalog, please notify your Computing Coordinator so we can add it.


Step 1: Launch Software Center by searching for it in the Windows Start Menu.


You can also find it by looking for Software Center under the Microsoft System Center folder in your list of all programs.


Step 2: Search the catalog for the software title you want and then click on it.


Step 3: Click the Install button for the software you selected.


Step 4: Wait for the installation to finish.


You can safely continue to do your work while the software you requested installs in the background. If you are prompted to restart, you should save your work and then reboot your computer. If the software you requested fails to install or launch, contact your Computing Coordinator.

Comment (1)

Luana Stevens
Can I do this for my personal laptop?

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