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8110 Telephone User's Guide - Knowledgebase / Telephone / Phone Sets and Features - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

8110 Telephone User's Guide

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Standard Features

  1. The FLASH Button. Press FLASH instead of the switch hook for completing conference calls and transferring a call.
  2. The REDIAL Button. Press REDIAL to automatically redial the last number you dialed. The telephone retains in memory the last number you dialed until you dial another number. Redial works whether you are using the handset or the speakerphone.
  3. The HOLD Button. Press HOLD to put a call on hold until you can return to it. The RED Light below the Hold button will light up and stay lit to indicate your call is on hold. In order to return to the held call, press HOLD again. You may place the handset in the cradle without disconnecting your call. In this instance you lift the handset, the Hold light will go out and you will be re-connected to your call. NOTE: The caller will not hear music on hold. Be sure to tell him/her that you are placing the call on hold to avoid any possible confusion.
  4. Speakerphone. To answer a call using the speakerphone simply press the SPKR button instead of picking up the handset. If you have already picked up the handset you may press the SPKR button to switch to the speakerphone. To hang up hit the SPKR button again.
  5. Mute. To mute a call (including the speakerphone) press the MUTE button during a conversation. The Mute light will turn on and the person on the other end of the conversation won't be able to hear you. To resume the conversation press the MUTE button again.
  6. Auto Answer. The Auto Answer Button can be used for automatically activating the speakerphone when a call comes in. The phone beeps to indicate that the call has been answered and automatically hangs up when the caller does. To activate the Auto Answer feature press AUTO. The Auto Answer feature is active when the button is in the "up" position and green is visible on the sides. When the caller ends the call, the phone hangs up automatically, or you can press the SPKR button to end the call. To turn off the Auto Answer feature press the [AUTO] button, it will revert to the "down" position.

Programmable Dialing Buttons

There are 12 programmable dialing buttons on which you can program frequently dialed or emergency numbers.

To Program any of the 12 programmable dialing buttons (while on-hook)

  1. Press the PROGRAM button to enter programming mode. You will hear a continuous tone.
  2. Press the programmable dialing button on which you want to store the number.
  3. Dial the number you want to program on the button, up to 20 elements (digits, characters, including Pause and Flash). You will hear a rapid beep if you try to enter more than 20 elements.
  4. To Program another programmable dialing button, repeat steps 2 and 3
  5. Press the PROGRAM button to Exit.

Note: You can use the PAUSE button to program a 1.5-second pause between a dialing access number (such as 9) and the telephone number, and for certain banking and long-distance services. More than one pause can be entered.

Dialing a number with a programmable dialing button

  1. Pick up the handset or press the SPKR button.
  2. When you hear a dial tone, press the appropriate programmable dialing button.

To erase a number stored on a dialing button

  1. Press the PROGRAM button.
  2. Press the button to be cleared twice.
  3. Press the PROGRAM button or lift the handset.


Advanced Features

  • Cover. To send all incoming calls straight to voicemail
    1. Pick up the handset and dial *8. This will activate the coverage feature.
    2. To take a phone off cover and to return the phone to normal operations simply pick up the handset and dial #88, you will hear a succession of beeps, then simply hang up.
  • Call Forwarding. To forward all incoming calls to another extension
    1. Pick up the handset and dial *2, you will hear a succession of beeps
    2. Dial the extension to which you would like to forward your calls.
    3. To turn off call forwarding dial #22, again you will hear a succession of beeps, then simply hang up.
  • Automatic Call Back.  If you dialed an on campus (or OUS) number, reached a busy signal, and would like the phone to automatically re-dial the other party:
    1. While listening to the busy signal
    3. Hear dial tone press *5 listen for a confirmation tone
    4. Hang up.
    5. When both phones are idle you will hear three short rings
    6. Lift handset and answer
  • Call Pickup. To answer a phone in your pick-up group:
    1. Listen for dial tone dial *7.
    2. Begin talking immediately.
  • Call Conference.  You may conference up to three parties (you and two others).  If you need a larger conference call, you can order a MeetMe conference here.
    1. Listen for a dial tone.
    2. Dial the party you wish to conference and announce the call.
    3. Press FLASH/RECALL.
    4. Hear Recall Dial Tone . Dial third party
    5. Press FLASH/RECALL.  Introduce parties and begin conference.
  • Call Hold (with music on hold).  To place a call on hold:
    1. Press FLASH/RECALL
    2. Hear Recall dial tone
    3. Dial *4.  Listen for dial tone
    4. Lay receiver down.  DO NOT hang up.
    5. To return to call: HANG UP.  Your phone will ring with three short rings
    6. Answer phone and resume talking
  • Redial.  To have the system automatically redial the last number you called:
    1. Listen for dial tone.
    2. Dial #73
    3. Wait for answer.
  • Transfer a call.
    1. Press and release FLASH/RECALL
    2. Listen for dial tone
    3. Dial the third party
    4. Announce the party now
    5. Press FLASH/RECALL
    6. Introduce the parties
    7. Hang up.
    8. If line is busy or not answered
    9. Press FLASH/RECALL twice to return to call.
  • Abbreviated Dialing (Speed Dialing).  To program your most frequently dialed telephone numbers. Speed dialing requires you to create a list. To program the list:
    1. Listen for dial tone
    2. Dial #80
    3. Hear the dial tone
    4. Dial “1
    5. Dial an Abbreviated Dial Code Number (1-99)
    6. Hear Dial Tone.
    7. DIAL the number to be called, including appropriate access codes such as “9”.
        • E.g. #80+1+1+9+XXXXXXX; or, for an extension: #80+1+1+26900.
    8. PRESS “#”
    9. Hear dial tone
    10. Hang Up/OR Program the next number by starting at step 2 above.
    11. To Use List:

      1. Listen for dial tone:
      2. Dial * followed by the List Number, followed by the Abbreviated Dial Code Number (1-99)

        • E.g.(*0+1, or *1+2)
  • NOTE: An interesting feature of creating lists, is your first list translates to list 0 in the system. Your second list is numbered 1 in the system. Keep this in mind when you access and use your lists.

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