The blue globe on the dock next to the Apps icon connected seamlessly to everyone’s network home directory, aka. The ‘P-Drive’ prior to the release of Mojave. Since Apple released the MAC OS 10.14.x this is not so seamless anymore.
When a user clicks the icon the first time, the user will be prompted to input the network credentials and there is an option to ‘remember’ these credentials in the ‘Keychain’.
After inputting the credentials and clicking connect another prompt will open asking what network share to connect to.
The user should choose ‘FS’ that will bring up the correct user ‘P-Drive’,
In a familiar fashion.
Unfortunately, next time the user uses the ‘Globe’ it will ask for credentials again, but because the ‘Keychain’ remembers one only has to click ‘connect’ then select the ‘FS’ again to get to the home directory, aka. ‘P-Drive’.
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