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Faculty: Add Users to a Course

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Moodle enrollments are synchronized with Banner. In most cases, therefore, it is not necessary for you to add or remove students in Moodle. To combine enrollments from multiple CRN's in one course shell, follow these instructions.

Under special circumstances, you may wish to add a user to your Moodle course. For example:

  • You would like a student with an "Incomplete" to complete his or her course work in your current Moodle course.
  • You wish to give immediate access to a student who is wait-listed.
  • Your teaching assistant needs to add content or enter grades.
  • Another instructor would like to participate in your course or view your course content.

 If you enroll a wait-listed student in Moodle, be sure to check your official class roster to verify that the student has formally registered for the class. Being able to access the course and attend class may lull the student into a false sense of having registered and lead to problems at the end of the term when grades are posted.

You can add users to a course as follows:

  1. Click on the Participants link at the top of the main course page.
  2. Click on Enroll users.
  3. Enter the person's name in the search field shown below left.
  4. Click on the user's name and enter another, if needed. (Note: If more than one account is found, check the SOU ID number to select the correct one.)
  5. Choose the appropriate role (student, non-editing teacher, etc.) from the Assign role pull-down menu.
  6. Click on Enroll users.

Screenshots illustrating the instructions

Trouble-Shooting & Special Cases

For assistance in any of these situations, please contact the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.

Wait-Listed Students

As explained above, enrolling a wait-listed student in your course can create a false sense of security in the student and lead to serious problems down the road. Reports that identify manually enrolled users are generated periodically so that the Registrar’s office can verify student enrollment status. If you enroll a wait-listed student who does formally enroll, please take a moment to remove the manual enrollment by opening the Enrolled users page and clicking on the trash can associated with the manual enrollment. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Name Not Found

Not being able to find a user usually has one of two causes: the user is already enrolled in the course (perhaps with a different name than you expected) or the name you are searching for doesn't exactly match the person's user name. 

Solution: Check the list of enrolled users again to make sure the person's name doesn't already appear in the list. If you still don't find it, open the Enroll users link again and try searching on part of the user's name instead of all of it.

Multiple Users with the Same Name, Part 1

If more than one user has the same name, check the 940- ID number displayed next to the user name.

Multiple Users with the Same Name, Part 2

Sometimes we end up with two students with the same display name enrolled in our class. Beyond requesting that they use a photo or avatar as a profile image, you can distinguish between the two by checking their 940- ID numbers.

Guest Users

To enroll a user who does not have an SOU account, contact CATL and provide the person's name and email address.

Teaching Assistants

There are two roles established for TA's in Moodle: Full and Limited. Full TA's have the same rights as the instructor, while Limited TA's cannot access quizzes, use the gradebook, or add users, but can otherwise do everything else an instructor can do.


It's now possible to enroll your subject matter librarian in your Moodle course and grant them limited editing rights. With this role, librarians can easily access your course materials. They also have the ability to add a limited selection of resources and activities to your course so they can share resources with your students directly.

Bulk Enrollments

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning is happy to upload batches of users to program and club courses in Moodle. Please provide a .xls or .csv file with users' first and last names, SOU email addresses, ID numbers, and the name of the course in which you'd like to have them enrolled.


And speaking of program and club courses, it’s also possible to set up a course for self-enrollment. You can make self-enrollment open to anyone or set an enrollment key to regulate who can enroll. Contact CATL for assistance.

Students with Incompletes

You can add an "Incomplete Student" role to a student to grant access to your course after you make it unavailable to students. 

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