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Faculty: Advanced Quiz Question Types

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"All-or-Nothing" multiple choice questions

The multiple answer question type requires students to correctly indicate all of the correct answers to a question in order to receive full credit for the question. The image below illustrates how to indicate a correct choice and what the resulting question looks like.

Drag and drop into text questions

This question type allows you to set up a series of blanks with corresponding choices. Students drag and drop their selection into the blanks provided. Be sure to ask for assistance if you'd like to try this question type—setting it up is a bit of a convoluted process, although it's not difficult once you know how.

Select missing word questions

This question type is similar to the drag and drop into text type, but instead of dragging, students select the correct response from a drop-down list.

To set up a select missing word question, type in your statement(s) indicating where each drop-down list will appear by inserting numbered fields [[1]], [[2]], etc. for each group of answer options. In the Choices area, enter the correct answer in the choice field that corresponds to the number indicated for each drop-down list. Select a letter in the Group field to identify a set of answers (in this example, the first drop-down list has been identified as Group A, the second as Group B, and the third as Group C). After entering the correct answers to correspond with each numbered field above, add answer choices to complete the list of options in each drop-down list, assigning each answer to the Group letter for the list where it should appear.

Drag and drop onto image questions

The most sophisticated (read complicated!) of the advanced question types, this kind of question requires students to drag and drop text onto an image in order to demonstrate their understanding. Not surprisingly, it is even more complicated than the preceding types to set up, but we're here to help!

Formulas question type

We have recently added a new question type that accommodates mathematical formulas. While our Moodle expertise is pretty broad, our ability to help with these questions lies in referring you to this extensive help site.

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