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Faculty: Auto-Link Activities

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Set up auto-linking in your course to make it easy for your students to find activities and resources that you reference in textboxes (textboxes, forum prompts, assignment descriptions, etc.). With auto-linking activated, any time you enter the exact name of an existing activity or resource, Moodle will automatically link that text to the item itself. This is a handy tool if you wish to post a file like a discussion forum rubric that is referenced in every forum in your course—post the file once and refer to it with its exact name in the forum description fields to create autolinks. Save time and make updating your course much easier!

The example below shows how mentioning an activity in a label created a link to the activity.

Screenshot of link example

To activate auto-linking in your course, open on the More menu at the top of the course main page and select Filters

Screenshot of more menu

Select On from the pull-down menu associated with the Activity names auto-linking option. Save changes, then click on the link below (not shown) to return to your course main page.

Screenshot of filter options

You may wish to disconnect auto-linking from quiz questions so that students cannot leave the quiz canvas to access course materials. Each activity that we create in our courses has its own filter settings, making it possible to adjust these links. To disconnect auto-linking, open the More menu associated with the activity, and click on Filters. Adjust the auto-linking settings as needed.

The example below illustrates the Filters link in a quiz More menu.

Screenshot of Filter from More menu in Quiz

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