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Faculty: Display Letter Grade in Gradebook

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It can be helpful to display a letter grade in conjunction with the course total in the gradebook—students can easily see where they stand throughout the term and faculty can see final grades at the end of the term.

Note: The default letter grade settings in Moodle have an A starting at 93%. To customize the grade scale, contact the CATL for assistance.

To display a letter grade with the total score:

  1. Click on Grades in the left navigation panel.
  2. Click on Setup.
  3. In the Gradebook setup page, click on the Edit link associated with the course total at the very top of the gradebook page.
  4.  Select Edit settings.
  5. In the Category total options area, open the  Grade display type pull-down menu and select Real (letter).
  6. Save changes.

The course totals will be displayed as shown in the inset image in the lower image here.

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