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Faculty: Import Glossary Entries

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Because glossaries are designed to be developed jointly with your learners, any glossary that you import with content from a prior term will be empty, just like forums are. The good news? You can export the entries from a prior term and import them into a glossary in your new term's course shell in just a few simple steps.

  1. Open the glossary that contains entries and click on the admin gear in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Export entries from the menu.
  3. Click on Export entries to file.
  4. Save the resulting .xml file to your computer.
  5. Open the course that has the new, empty glossary in it and open the glossary that you wish to populate.
  6. Click on the admin gear in the upper right corner and select Import entries.
  7. Locate the .xml file you just saved and drag it into the file picker box.
  8. Click on Submit.
  9. Verify that the number of entries being imported is correct.
  10. Click on Continue to complete the import process and return to the glossary which now contains all of the entries you exported from the other course.

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