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Faculty: Instructions for Students

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Looking for standard instructions to offer your students? Copy and paste any of the following text or links in your Moodle site. (Links can also be forwarded to students via email.)

Links to Student Articles in the Moodle Knowledgebase

Add files to a folder:

Check your grades:

Clear your cache (very helpful if they can't see something that everyone can see):

Insert images:

Proctored exams:

See instructor feedback:

Submit a VeriCite assignment:

Test taking recommendations:

Update your profile:

Upload multiple files in a zipped folder:

Using the course calendar:

Working in groups:


Standard Text for Common Actions in Moodle

Assignment: File upload

Click on the Add submission button below to drag and drop your assignment file in the File picker area. Or locate and attach your completed assignment by clicking on Add in the top border of the File picker. Click on Save changes to submit.

Assignment: Online text

Click on the Add submission button below to open your textbox. After entering text, click on Save changes to submit.

Moodlerooms forum: Standard, general forum

Click on the Add a new discussion link below to draft your reply.

Moodlerooms forum: Single simple discussion

Click on the Reply link in any message to draft a response.

Moodlerooms forum: Q & A forum

Open the post below and click on the Reply link to draft your response. You'll be able to read the responses posted by other students after the 15-minute editing period for your post is over.

Groups: Work in a discussion forum together

Use the Add a new discussion link below to initiate the discussion in your group or reply to your teammates' threads to move the discussion forward.

Quizzes: Too variable to standardize, but consider these factors...

  • Closed vs. open book, open notes
  • How many total questions to expect and how to move from page to page
  • Indication of time limit, if any
  • Information about test availability
  • What to do if they experience technical difficulties

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