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Faculty: Link to Video URL Without Player Displayed - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Link to Video URL Without Player Displayed

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You may find that you'd like to share the link to a video in a textbox without having the video player displayed. You can control this for an individual item or turn off all media players for an entire course. (Note: This is not an option for an individual label resource, but it will work for other activities and resources.)

The auto-display feature is controlled by a "filter" setting for multimedia players. By default, these players are enabled. To turn this feature off:

  1. For the entire course, click on the course admin gear icon; for an individual item, open the item (page, book, forum, assignment, etc.) and click on its admin gear.
  2. Select the link labeled Filters.
  3. Locate the Multimedia plugins filter options and use the associated pull-down menu to select Off.
  4. Save changes.

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