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Faculty: My Private Files

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My private filesIn Moodle, each user has a storage site for files. This repository is called “My Private Files.” You can access this area from your Moodle home page by clicking on My profile in the Navigation block, then clicking on My private files.

Note: All users have a My private files repository. Students can use this file repository as a storage space for their work, uploading their files from home or campus and downloading them wherever they are when they are ready to work on them again. No one else can view a person's files when they are posted in this area.

The files in this area will be available to you (and only you) no matter what course you have open, making it possible to link to the same file from any course site. Thus, if you have guidelines for online discussions or checklists that you provide for all of your students, you only need to upload each file once to be able to link to it from all of your course sites. Note: If you upload a new version of a file that you have linked in multiple places, you will have to relink the file everywhere it appears in order to provide access to the updated version. (This may seem illogical, but there is a lengthy, technical explanation for it—we’ll spare you here!)

Download these instructions for using "My private files" or view this two-and-a-half minute tutorial by Mary Cooch.

TIP: You can post this link in your course site to let students know how to use this helpful resource.

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