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Faculty: Quiz Tip -- One Solution for Publisher Test Bank Problems

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Sometimes publishers’ test banks can be imported into Moodle just fine, but sometimes they won’t quite work. Here’s one solution that we have found for a test bank that won’t “parse” when you attempt to import it. (Note: These instructions are written for a PC. Mac users will need to interpret some of the specific steps for their environment.)

  1. If Moodle is not offered as a potential test format when you create your test bank, choose Blackboard version 6 or above.
  2. Save the resulting zip file to your computer in a handy spot.
  3. Open Windows Explorer, then locate and open the zip file.
  4. Click on the link labeled Extract all files in the Folder Tasks work pane on the left side of your screen.
  5. Follow the prompts provided to extract the files to a new folder.
  6. In Moodle, click on Import, then select Blackboard as the file type.
  7. [This step if only necessary if you find that the file you upload does not create its own category when you import it —  see step 11... In the General area, use the pull-down menu to select the category that corresponds to your test bank (Chapter 1 Pool).]
  8. Use the Browse button in the Import from file upload…. field to open the folder containing the extracted files or open Windows Explorer (Files on a Mac) to drag and drop your file in the file picker box.
  9. Select the file that has the dat extension (it will end in .dat). If there are several .dat files, try the largest file first.
  10. Click on Upload this file (and cross your fingers!).
  11. If the questions load correctly, begin cheering and scroll down to click on Continue (or click on the Categories tab to verify that the questions were created in a category. If not, set up categories for the test banks that you intend to import (“Chapter 1 Pool,” etc.).
  12. If the questions do not load correctly, don't be discouraged. Contact the Center for Instructional Support for more options.

You may find that you need some side-by-side assistance. Give us a call and we’ll sit down with you to get it done. For your reference, the entire guide to Moodle quizzes is posted at this link.


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