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Faculty: Repair Group Choice Link - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Repair Group Choice Link

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We love the group choice activity which enrolls learners in a group based on their choosing it! It's just so efficient.


....there's a bug in the system. When you import a group choice activity from a prior term's course, the choices made by the students in that prior term will appear to exist in your new course -- even though those students aren't enrolled and haven't made a choice.

When you open the link, it might look like this:

Don't panic! There's a super easy fix.

All you have to do to fix this is click on the gear in the upper right corner to Edit settings of the group choice link, then scroll down, reset the number of people who can choose each option (if you want to control the number of learners in each group), then select and add the groups that you wish to include in the activity:

Save changes and you're all set!

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