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Faculty: Reuse an Advanced Grading Tool - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Reuse an Advanced Grading Tool

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If you have created a grading guide, rubric or checklist to grade an assignment or forum, you can use that advanced grading tool as a template for another activity in the same course or in another course you teach.

First create the activity and select the advanced grading tool as the grading method. Save changes. In the following dialogue page, select Create a new grading form from a template:

Screenshot of advanced grading optionsNo templates will be found, but don't panic! Select the option to include your own forms in the search.

Screenshot of template options with select own highlightedAll of the forms that you have created for this tool type will be listed on the page. Scroll down to locate the form you want to use, then click on Use this form as a template to copy the form into the new activity.

Screenshot of using own rubric options

Revise the form as needed for the new activity. Any revisions you make will apply solely to this particular instance of the form. The original version of the form will remain unchanged.

If you have already saved the assignment or forum and need to apply an advanced grading tool, open the activity and click on the Advanced grading tab to select the grading tool you wish to use, if necessary, and follow the instructions above to access and copy your template.

Screenshot of Advanced grading tab

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