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Faculty: Switch Role to Student - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Switch Role to Student

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To get an idea of what your course will look like for students, you can switch your role. The link for switching your role is located in the user menu associated with your image in the upper right corner of any Moodle page. To access the link, click on the tiny control immediately to the right of your user image and open the user menu. Click on the Switch role to.... link and select Student. To return to your normal role, reopen the user menu and select that option. While this view will not be exactly what your students see, it will be very close.

Note: Be sure to return to your normal role before exiting your course. If  the course has not yet been made available to students and you are still in Student view when you leave it, you will not be able to see the course from your Moodle home page. If this happens, log out and completely close the browser. Restarting the browser and logging back into Moodle should put you back into your normal (teacher) role.

Screenshot of switch role options

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