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Google Drive FAQ

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What is Google Drive?
It is a product that allows for creation of documents (Google Docs), viewing of others (MS Office, pdf, etc.) and storage of documents on the "cloud". Drive also allows you to synchronize various devices with each other to keep documents current. One of the its best features is the ability to do real-time collaboration. Google drive has two sides - the Internet interface and the device interface.

Where is my data stored?
Data is stored on the "cloud" and is not on your device. Therefore, you cannot reach these files when you don't have an Internet connection. Data is synchronized with all devices when connected to the Internet.

What is synchronization?
If a file is added or modified in the drive folder on your computer or on the Internet webpage, it will be updated on all devices that are shared with the "cloud" data.

Can I store any file or folder?
Yes. Within file size and space limits, anything you can store on your hard drive can also be stored in Google Drive. This includes entire folders. YOu must move the file or folder to your Google drive folder in order for it to be put on the Google Drive.

Can I share my data on Google Drive with others?
Yes You can mark a file or folder for sharing and include individual people or groups that you have created in GMail.

What about Mobile use?
You can use Google Drive on your cell phone and tablet devices. There is an app for Android devices that synchronizes everything. One for iOS devices is coming soon.

Won't it fill up my mobile device's storage?
No. Data is stored on the "cloud" and only the app and necessary display data is kept on your device. Remember that the data on Google Drive is not copied down to your device, so it isn't available when you are off-line.

Are there features missing from Google Drive that are in programs like Microsoft Office?
Yes. Google docs are scaled down and do not offer the professional features found in programs such as Microsoft Office.

How safe is my data from hacking? Is it encrypted?
Your data is encrypted when being transferred between your computer and Google's servers using HTTPS (which is secure). No casual hacker will be able to grab your files by monitoring and intercepting your Internet connection.

Should I move my data from other "cloud" services over to my Google Drive?
Not necessarily. Your other "cloud" service (Skydrive, Dropbox, Mosey) may offer services not available through Google. This would be a good way to separate business and personal data.

Does Google Drive back up my Data?
Not only do they back it up but all data is subject to versioning backup. That means if you decide you'd like to use a previous version of one of your files you can find it as long as it was in the past 30days or in the previous 100 versions of the file.

Can I edit non- Google documents?
No. Only Google docs can be edited. You can, of course, convert any MS Office document, drawing or photo to Google docs and then be able to edit. However, non-Google docs are only viewable.

Are there other Apps that can be used with Google Docs?
Yes, while you are on-line in the Google Drive, go to the gear in the upper right corner and click on it. From there click “Manage Apps” and in the resulting screen choose “Connect More Apps”. This will give you a list of apps that you can connect to Google Drive.

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