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Guide to Using Voicemail Messaging - Knowledgebase / Telephone - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Guide to Using Voicemail Messaging

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Logging in to SOU's voicemail system

To check your voicemail from your desk:

  1. Press the voicemail button or dial '27000' if you are on campus.
  2. Enter your PIN and press the '#' key

To check your voicemail from a different location:

  1. Dial '27000' if you are on campus, or '541-552-7000' from off campus
  2. Press the '#' key
  3. Enter the 5-digit extension followed by the '#' key, or wait for the PIN prompt.
  4. Enter your PIN followed by the '#' key.

Recording your name and personal greetings

Recording your name

  1. Press '5' on the Main Menu
  2. Press '2' on the Voicemail options menu
  3. Record your name and press '#' when done
    • You will be prompted with the Recording Menu to approve/delete your name:
      • Press '1' to listen to your name
      • Press '2' to accept your name
      • Press '3' to delete and re-record your name
      • Press '*' to cancel recording

Recording your Personal Greeting

  1. Press '5' on the Main Menu
  2. Press '1' on the Voicemail options menu
  3. Select the greeting to record
    • Press '1' for standard greeting
    • Press '2' for Out of the Office greeting
    • Press '3' for an Extended Absence greeting
    • Press '*' to cancel
  4. Record your greeting and press '#' when done
    • You will be prompted with the Recording Menu to approve/delete your greeting:
      • Press '1' to listen to your greeting
      • Press '2' to accept your greeting
      • Press '3' to delete and re-record your greeting
      • Press '*' to cancel recording

To select an active greeting

  1. Press '5' on the Main Menu
  2. Press '3' on the Voicemail Box Options Menu
  3. You will be prompted with the Active Greeting Menu
    • Press '1' to listen to all greetings
    • Press '2' to choose the standard greeting
    • Press '3' to choose the Out of the Office greeting
    • Press '4' to choose the Extended Absence greeting
    • Press '5' to choose the default greeting
    • Press '*' to cancel

 Changing your PIN

  1. Select '5' from the main menu
  2. Select '5' from the Voicemail Box Options menu
  3. Enter your Old PIN followed by the '#' key
  4. Enter your New PIN followed by the '#' key
  5. Re-Enter you New PIN followed by the '#' key

The Main Menu

  • Press '1' to listen to inbox messages
    • Once you listen to all new messages, the message waiting indicator on your telephone will turn off.
  • Press '2' to listen to saved messages
  • Press '3' to listen to deleted messages
  • Press '4' to send a message
  • Press '5' for Voicemail box options
  • Press '8' to Log off
  • Press '*' to Replay the Menu

For a full chart of the menus, please see the Attachments section at the bottom of the page.

The Message Menu

  • Press '1' for message information
  • Press '2' to replay the current message
  • Press '3' to save the message
  • Press '4' to delete the message
  • Press '5' to forward the message
  • Press '#' to play the next message
  • Press '*' to cancel the current action

Forwarding a message

  • Press '1' to include a comment
    1. Record your message
    2. Press '#' when done recording
    3. You will be prompted with the Recording Menu to approve/delete the comment:
      • Press '1' to listen to your recording
      • Press '2' to accept the recording
      • Press '3' to delete and re-record the recording
      • Press '*' to cancel recording
  • Press '2' to forward the message without adding a comment
  • Press '*' to cancel
  • Enter the 5-digit extension to which the message is to be forwarded.


Accessing your voicemail from the Web62951119XMZQQSCDZGNDXWM0-Login.jpg

Getting logged in

The new voicemail system has a web interface to help you better manage your messages and personal information.  To access the web interface:

  1. If you are off campus you will need to connect using either Remote Desktop or SOU's VPN service.
  2. Open a web browser to the address
  3. Your User ID is your 5-digit extension.
  4. The PIN is your regular network login password.
  5. Click on the Login button


The voicemail Dashboard

The voicemail Dashboard allows you to listen to and manage your voicemail from your computer.  


Managing your messages

To listen to your messages

  1. Select the mailbox containing the desired message
    • New messages will be highlighted as bold text
  2. If you are using Safari:
    1. Click on the 62951121HXCWHHSHJSDBBMX0-Play.jpgbutton, you will see a "Loading..." icon (the message waiting indicator light on your telephone will turn off).
    2. Right-click on the "Loading..." icon and select "Download File"
    3. Select the File in the downloads to open it in iTunes.
  3. If you are using another browser:
    1. Click on the 62951122CKMMTBTDDQDPAXA0-Play.jpg button to the right of the message (the message waiting indicator on your telephone will turn off).

Renaming Messages

The web interface allows you to rename a message so that it is easier to find later, simply click on the subject of the message and enter your desired subject (up to 40 characters in length).


Updating your personal information

To update your personal information, click on the "My Information" tab at the top of the Dashboard screen.  The information in the Contact Information screen is not used.



Update your PIN, Password, and E-mail notification settings

From the 'My Information' tab, click on the Unified Messaging link on the left-hand side of the screen.

Your password

This password is set to your default network password, therefore cannot be set or changed here.

Changing your PIN

  1. Enter your new PIN
  2. Confirm your new PIN
  3. Click on the 'Apply' button

Changing/Activating a greeting

  1. Click on the Active Greeting Drop-down menu
  2. Select one of the following Greetings:
    • Default System greeting
    • Standard
    • Out of Office
    • Extended absence
  3. Click on the 'Apply' button

Changing your e-mail settings

  • E-mail address:  The primary e-mail address is set to your SOU e-mail address and cannot be changed.
  • Voicemail Notification:  Using the Voicemail Notification drop-down menu, you can enable or disable e-mail notifications for new voicemail
  • E-mail format:  Here you can select the type of e-mail you would like to receive:
    • Full:  The e-mail will include the message length, telephone number from which the call originated (if the call came from on campus, the caller-ID information will also be included), and a link to listen to the message on the web.
    • Medium:  The e-mail will include the message length, and telephone number from which the call originated (if the call came from on campus, the caller-ID information will also be included)
    • Brief: The e-mail will include the message length and the telephone number from which the call originated (if the call came from on campus, the caller-ID information will also be included.
  • Attach Audio:  If this box is checked, you will receive a sound file attached to your e-mail so that you can listen to your message from your computer of smart phone.  This also allow you to archive e-mail if you choose to do so.

You can also add an additional e-mail address, if you'd like to receive voicemail notification at a second e-mail address.


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