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How to Connect to a Network Printer on Windows - Knowledgebase / Paper, Printing and Copying - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Connect to a Network Printer on Windows

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This article will show you how to connect to one of SOU's network printers from Windows. These instructions will only work on SOU Windows computers, including our remote desktop environments. You should only connect to network printers associated with your own department. All print jobs on our campus are audited, so if you print to other departments' printers, expect to be charged for those print jobs.

As always, if you need assistance, contact your Computing Coordinator.

Step 1 - Bring up Settings

Click your Start Menu, then click on Settings.

Step 2 - Select Devices

It is one of the top-row options, right next to System.

Step 3 - Add a Printer

In the side menu, select Printers & Scanners, then click on Add a printer or scanner. A list of available network printers will appear beneath the button you just clicked. Click on the correct printer entry to install the printer connection, then you're done.

If you don't see the printer come up in the list, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on The printer that I want isn't listed.

Select the option to "Find a printer in the directory."

Search for the network printer by name. Enter the name into the Name field, then click Find Now. Find it in the list of results and double-click on its entry to install the printer connection.

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