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How to Fix Invalid Certificate Errors - June 2020 - Knowledgebase / Application and Online Services Help / Web browsers - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Fix Invalid Certificate Errors - June 2020

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Beginning in June 2020, legacy operating systems and browsers will experience certificate errors on many of SOU's online services related to the expiration of Sectigo's AddTrust legacy root certificate. A legacy browser or older device that does not have the modern “USERTRust” root will no longer trust certificates signed with the legacy AddTrust certificate, which includes most of our SOU online services. A more modern browser would have the USERTrust root already installed and trust it without needing to rely on the older AddTrust root, so it's not a problem.

Click here to learn more about certificates and how crucial they are to your online security.

If you are running any of these OS versions or browser versions or an even older version, you should update to a newer version of the OS and/or the web browser! Contact the IT Helpdesk at 541-552-6900 for advice. If you are an SOU employee, you should contact your Computing Coordinator instead.



  • Windows XP (via Automatic Root Update; note that ECC wasn't supported by Windows until Vista) - Windows XP has not been supported by Microsoft for years now. If you are still using Windows XP, it is time to buy a new computer! It is unlikely that a computer running Windows XP will run Windows 10, the latest version of Windows.
  • Windows Phone 7




  • Java JRE 8u51
  • SOU does not recommend the use of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)! If you have this installed on your computer, we want to work with you to remove it and find alternative solutions if you still need Java support on your device.


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