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How to Request a Print / Copy Refund - Knowledgebase / Paper, Printing and Copying - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Request a Print / Copy Refund

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To request a print / Copy refund, you must use our print accounting system. This includes any copies made in the library.

If you are a graduating student, use this link to request a refund of your unused print credits.

 To get started, click the Printing Portal link on InsideSOU or by following this link:


After successfully logging in, you should presented with a summary screen for your account.  This screen will show your recent printing activity and the environmental impact of your printing.

Next, click Recent Print Jobs in the side menu.

To request a refund, find the print job and click Request Refund.


We only issue refunds for printer or computer malfunction, not because of unwanted copies, formatting issues, or other non-technical reasons.  So, please check your work carefully and use Print Preview before pressing the Print button.  If you are a graduating student then use this link for your refund.


To check for credits from refunds or balance history, click Transaction History.

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