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InsideSOU - Content Editors Login and Editing

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This information is for users that are setup as content editors for InsideSOU web pages. 


  1. Go to
  2. Click on the login button (green button, top right)

How To Edit pages (after you login):

  1. Go to the page you want to edit, look for the editor icon, towards the top right.
  2. Look for the link "Manage your site" (only visible to editors) in your left navigation links.

Add a New page:

  1. Click on the link "Manage your site" in your left navigation links.
  2. You should now see a "New" red button, click on the button to create your new page. Now you have the ability to publish your own pages and do not have to wait for us to do so. 

Left Navigation Links:

Editors cannot edit the left navigation links. If you need to update, or add new links to your navigation, create the content for your link then send an email to (include the URL of the new content to be added and the text to be use for the link)

If your site is on InsideSOU, and you do not have editing rights, please send a request to setup your access to 

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