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Joomla - How to Add a New Page

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To add a new page to your site using Joomla, simply follow these instructions:

  1. Login to insideSOU.
  2. Go to your website.
  3. From your left links, use the "Manage your Site" left navigation link. 
  4. Towards the bottom of the page, click on the "New" red button. (If you have sub-categories,  to create a new page in the sub-category, click on the sub-category link, then look for the "New" button")
  5. Setup your page:
    • Title: Enter a descriptive title for your page.
    • Alias: Leave it blank if you want Joomla to auto-generate it, else enter a unique file name for your page. (Make it short, no spaces allowed), the alias is used to construct your web address.
    • Content: Enter the main content for your page. 
  6. Click the "Save" button to save your page.
  7. Your page has now been created, but you still need to "Publish" your page. 
  8. Edit your page. Go to the "Publishing" tab, then set the "Status" to "Published".

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