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Making Long Distance Calls - Knowledgebase / Telephone - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Making Long Distance Calls

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Below are the directions for making both national and international long distance calls.


Making national long distance calls

To make a long distance call using your authorization code:

  1. Listen for the dial tone.
  2. Dial 9+1+area code+phone number
  3. Wait for Recall (second) dial tone.
  4. Dial your 7-digit authorization code number.


Making international long distance calls

To make a long distance call using your authorization code:

  1. Listen for the dial tone.
  2. Dial 9+011+country code+city code+phone number
  3. Wait for Recall (second) dial tone.
  4. Dial your 7-digit authorization code number.

 For a list of country codes click here.

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