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Parking and Password Guide for Emeritus Faculty

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In this article, you will find a description of how to update your SOU account password and access the SOU Parking Portal upon receiving your SOU account credentials. This article is intended for emeritus faculty.

Accessing InsideSOU

InsideSOU is our employee and student portal. You can access it by entering into your web browser's address bar or by visiting and clicking on the Inside SOU link in the banner along the top of the page.


A picture showing where to find the link to InsideSOU on It is in the banner at the top of the page.


When you arrive at InsideSOU, find the green Login button in the top-right corner of the page and click on it.

A picture of the green login button in the top-right region of the InsideSOU webpage.


On the SOU Login Services screen, enter your username, then your account password, and then click on the Login button.

A picture of the SOU Login Services page. There is a text field for username, a text field for password, and a red Login button.

When you are redirected back to the InsideSOU page, it should look different now and you should see your username and a logout button in the top-right area of the screen where the Login button was earlier. Congratulations, you are now logged in.