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Parking and Password Guide for Emeritus Faculty

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In this article, you will find a description of how to update your SOU account password and access the SOU Parking Portal upon receiving your SOU account credentials. This article is intended for emeritus faculty.

Accessing InsideSOU

InsideSOU is our employee and student portal. You can access it by entering into your web browser's address bar or by visiting and clicking on the Inside SOU link in the banner along the top of the page.


A picture showing where to find the link to InsideSOU on It is in the banner at the top of the page.


When you arrive at InsideSOU, find the green Login button in the top-right corner of the page and click on it.

A picture of the green login button in the top-right region of the InsideSOU webpage.


On the SOU Login Services screen, enter your username, then your account password, and then click on the Login button.

A picture of the SOU Login Services page. There is a text field for username, a text field for password, and a red Login button.

When you are redirected back to the InsideSOU page, it should look different now and you should see your username and a logout button in the top-right area of the screen where the Login button was earlier. Congratulations, you are now logged in.

A picture showing how the green login button for InsideSOU gets replaced with your username and a red logout link after you have signed in.


Updating your Password

Step 1 - Access the PWM System

You can access the password management system directly at or by looking for the Manage Your SOU Account link in the top-right region of your screen under the Network tab.

Locating Manage Your SOU Account under the Network tab in InsideSOU's top-right corner of the screen.

Step 2 - Log in to PWM

As a security procaution, we require you to log in to the password system seprately using the same username and password that you used to log in to InsideSOU. Enter your username and your password like you did before and click on the Login button.

A picture of the login page for the PWM Password Management website. There is a text field for username, a text field for password, and a red login button. Beneath the login button are links for Forgotten Password, Forgotten Username, and Activate Account.

Step 3 - Configure your Security Questions

We require all users to set up security questions when logging in to PWM for the first time. You create the first question and answer, then you select the following three questions from our dropdown menus and provide your own answers. The system will alert you if you use the same answer twice or if one of your answers is too short. If your answers are acceptable, you will see a blue bar near the top of the page that will inform you that you are ready to click Save Answers when ready.

A picture of the security questions page in PWM. Four text fields are present for typing in your security question answers. The first security question is a text field as well, whereas the following three questions are dropdown menus. At the top of the page a blue rectangle of text indicates that "Your answers meet the requirements. Click Save Answers when ready." At the bottom of the page there is a Save Answers button.

Step 4 - Change Your Password

On the next screen, click the key icon that says Change Password.

A picture of the main page within PWM. There are three icons arranged from left to right: Change Password, Setup Security Questions, and Update Profile. Change Password is highlighted.

You will be presented with a list of our password complexity requirements on the next page. The syste will check your password as you enter it and will alert you if you fail to meet one of the requriements. When the system prompts you to click change password, you are ready to do so. You will be redirected back to InsideSOU after the process completes.

A picture of the change password page. A list of complexity requirements and password restrictions appears above a text field for New Password and a text field for Confirm Password. Below the text fields is a Change Password button and a Cancel button. Two elements of the page are hightlighted: a blue box that says "New password accepted, please click change password" and a strength rating for the password that says "Good" with a green checkmark to indicate that the two passwords entered are the same.

Accessing the Parking Portal

You can access the parking portal directly at or by searching for the Parking Portal link within the Online Services box when signed in to InsideSOU.

Upon arriving at the parking portal page, click on the SOU Parking button.

A picture of the Parking Account Login page. The SOU Parking button is highlighted.

On the next screen, find and click on the Add New Vehicle button.

A picture of the main page of the parking portal. There are several tabs along the top of the page. Within the page there are two tabs: Registered Vehicles and Permits. Registered Vehicles is the active tab and within it is a button, "Add New Vehicle," that is highlighted.

Enter the details of your vehicle on the next page and then click on the Create button.

A picture of the Add New Vehicle page of the parking portal. There are several dropdowns for entering the make and model of your vehicle and a text field for entering your vehicle's license plate number. There is a highlighted Create button in the bottom-right region of the screen.

Repeat the previous two steps as needed to add up to three vehicles. When you are finished adding your vehicles, click on the Purchase Permit link under Quick Links.

A picture of the main page of the parking portal again. To the right of the Registered Vehicles tab is a box entitled Quick Links. The link "Purchase Permit" under Quick Links is highlighted. Instructional text is included within the picture to remind you that you may add up to three vehicles. When you are ready, click on the Purchase Permit link.

Select your term for the parking permit and then click Next.

A picture of selecting the term for your parking permit. There is one box shown for the 2017-2018 annual permit starting on September 18, 2017 and ending on September 30, 2018. It is highlighted, as is the Next button at the bottom of the page.

When you reach step 4 of 6, be sure to highlight/select each vehicle you want registered to the permit. If you forget to do this, the system will only register one vehicle by default. Note that if you only entered one vehicle, you do not need to worry about this.

A picture of the Step 4 of 6: Add a vehicle screen. The vehicle added in the previous steps is listed and highlighted in red. Instructional text on the picture says: "Important: Before clicking Next/Save, make sure to highlight each vehicle you want registered to the permit. If you do not do this, this system will choose only one default vehicle." The Next/Save button is highlighted beneath were you select the vehicles.

Enter your cell phone number and cell phone carrier if you would like to receive free parking alerts. Note that there is no charge for a parking pass if you are emeritus faculty. Finally, be sure to click the checkbox to indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to the rules and regulations on the parking website. When you are ready, click Next/Save to secure your parking pass.

A picture of the final screen where you can enter a cell phone number and carrier to sign up for free parking alerts. Step 5 of 6 for payment method says "no charge" because there is no charge for emeritus parking. Step 6 of 6: Rules and Regulations appears below that and features a checkbox that you must mark to indicate that you have read and agree to the university's parking rules. The Next/Save button at the bottom of the screen is highlighted.

You will receive an email receipt for your virtual permit at your SOU email address. If you have questions or encounter problems with the registeration process, please email or call 541-552-PARK (541-552-7275).

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