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Scantron Instructions for Faculty/Staff

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Service Summary: The Exam Grading Service of the Service Center will score and summarize input (multiple choice) examinations/surveys of up to 200 questions.

  • Questions must be answered on a special Scantron ParScore sheet.
  • The sheets have five choices for each question marked A through E.
  • Different point values can be assigned to groups of questions if desired.
  • Up to four different keys may be used for any examination.
  • Exam sheets are available to departments at the Service Center receptionist desk.
  • Exam sheets will be billed to departments by JV ($65/ream)
  • Exam processing time is normally 24 hours.
  • Output consists of various reports that will be emailed in .pdf format. Full explanations of reports can be found here.
    • Answer Key Report
    • Class Response Report (Listed by ID in ascending order)
    • Error Log Report
    • Item Analysis Reports
    • Score Distribution Report (select Percentile or Histogram)
    • Student Profile Report (Listed by ID in ascending order)
    • Student Test Report (available in Excel format)

Exam needs to be submitted in the following order:

  • Cover Sheet
  • Key(s)
  • Student answer sheets

Exam Cover Sheet: Can be found here. Please fill out as instructed on cover sheet. Also, please be sure to include an email address so reports can be emailed.

Exam Key Sheet(s):

  • Use a #2 Pencil.
  • Fill in the correct answers to the examination in the appropriate bubbles.
  • Name: Mark the area name KEY KEY or KEE KEE (but not any other variation). Note: A space must always be placed between the first and last name.
  • The I.D. Number on the Key Sheet can be left blank.
  • Mark "A" in the Text Form box. Note: All students exam sheets must also have "A" in the Test Form box so that they match up with the answer key.
  • If more than one version of the examination form has been submitted (up to four are allowed), a key sheet for each must be completed in the same manner as described, with the key marked in the Test Form. (Example: "A" for one key, "B" for a second key, etc.). Instructor's Keys and students exams must have the Test Form box marked with the appropriate key.
  • "Subj Score" field must be entered "000" on Key and all students' exam sheets. Do not use any other combinations of numbers.
  • When there are multiple answers marked per any question on the key, please indicate whether EITHER answer is correct, or ALL answers need to be marked to score the question correct.
  • A blank on a student exam will count as an incorrect answer.
  • Please instruct students that an "X" over an incorrect answer along with a correct answer will be counted incorrect. They must erase the incorrect answer, not cross it out.

Exam answer sheets:

  • All markings must be entered with a #2 pencil; the scanner will not read other pencil or ink markings.
  • Please be sure that the bubble area is completely filled. Do not use "X" marks.
  • Student's identification number must be entered completely. Nine and only nine numbers are required. If a student does not wish to furnish this information, any unique combination of nine digits need to be put in this field.
  • Student must indicate the Key Option as A, B, C, or D.
  • "Subj Score" field must be filled out with "000". This is required - no other combination of numbers can be in this field.
  • Random marks in the black scanner-timing marks (bottom of the page that looks similar to a bar code) will cause an error in the reading of the exams and the entire batch will not run. Please do a quick check on this before sending forms to be scanned.

Submission of Examination: To ensure security, exam sheets should be put into a sealed envelope and delivered to the Service Center reception desk (third floor of Britt Hall), or sent via campus mail.

  • Each envelope should be labeled with the instructor's name, department, and phone number.
  • Please be sure that the envelope is clean except for information mentioned.
  • Do not submit exams in old or marked up envelopes.
  • Exam sheets will be returned to instructors via campus mail, unless other arrangements are made.
  • Test results will be sent to instructors by email in .pdf format.

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