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Supported Operating Systems and Web Browsers and How to Update Them - Knowledgebase / Security - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Supported Operating Systems and Web Browsers and How to Update Them

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This article describes the operating systems and web browsers that are officially authorized for use on SOU computers and mobile devices. All other operating systems and web browsers are not supported and should not be used on SOU computers and mobile devices. If you don’t see an expected operating system or web browser on the list, or you have other questions, please email


The reason we authorize some operating systems and web browsers and not others is to ensure our Information Technology department can support those programs and keep them secure. All employees are required by the university’s information security policies (available at to work with the IT Department to keep their devices up to date and patched against the latest vulnerabilities.

We do our best to automate the process of updating the operating systems and web browsers installed on SOU computers, but sometimes things go wrong or we require your help with installing major upgrades that would be disruptive if we automated them.

This article documents which operating systems and web browsers are currently supported, which versions of those applications are supported, and what steps you can take to update them manually.


Although this article primarily concerns university-owned devices, we strongly encourage you to follow the same guidance with respect to your personal devices at home to ensure you are protected against the latest threats. If you continue to use a device at home that is running an outdated operating system or web browser, you are putting yourself at risk of having your device hacked, your data and passwords stolen, and even your identity stolen. If you use your personal devices to access SOU’s online services, you could put your colleagues and the university at risk as well by running outdated operating systems and web browsers.

Stay up to date to protect yourself and others!

Supported Operating Systems


We follow Microsoft’s end of support dates for determining our own cutoff dates for Windows support. SOU’s Windows computers are configured to update automatically, but sometimes things go wrong or the computer hasn’t been restarted in a long time to complete those updates, so please take a moment to check for updates on your Windows computer.

Click here for instructions on how to confirm your current version of Windows.


We follow Apple’s end of support dates for determining our own cutoff dates for macOS support. Apple generally supports macOS releases for around three years after release, but their end of support dates don’t always follow that rule. For a third-party list of macOS releases and their end of support dates, as known at the time, click here. SOU’s macOS computers are configured to update automatically, but sometimes things go wrong or the computer hasn’t been restarted in a long time to complete those updates, so please take a moment to check for updates on your macOS computer.

Click here for instructions on how to confirm your current version of macOS.

  • macOS 14 (Sonoma)

  • macOS 13 (Ventura)

  • macOS 12 (Monterey)

  • macOS 11 (Big Sur)

  • All previous versions of macOS (<= 10.15) are not authorized to operate. Exceptions may apply for special-purpose equipment. All exceptions must be approved by the Information Security Manager ( and will require special compensating security controls.

iOS (iPhone / iPad / iPod)

We follow Apple’s end of support dates for determining our own cutoff dates for iOS support. For a third-party list of iOS releases and their end of support dates, as known at the time, click here. SOU’s iOS devices are configured to update automatically, but sometimes things go wrong or the iOS device hasn’t been restarted in a long time to complete those updates, so please take a moment to check for updates on your iOS device.

Click here for instructions on how to confirm your current version of iOS on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

  • iOS 17

  • iOS 16

  • iOS 15

  • All older versions of iOS (<= 14) are not authorized to operate. Exceptions may apply for special-purpose equipment. All exceptions must be approved by the Information Security Manager ( and will require special compensating security controls.


Linux is not generally supported for use on university computers or networks outside of our data center, although special exceptions have been granted to departments that rely on Linux for academic coursework and research. Those departments assume responsibility for supporting their Linux deployments and working with the Information Security Manager to ensure they remain secure.

All users of Linux on university devices or networks should install security updates as soon as they become available, or at least monthly, and should remain on supported versions of their distro and Linux kernels at all times. We recommend using a package manager for your distro such as yum, dnf, or apt to automate and streamline how you receive updates. If you operate a university Linux system and need help with configuring your update process, please email


Android is not generally supported for use on university mobile devices and networks, although special exceptions have been granted to some departments that rely on Android devices for their work or research. Android devices should be kept current with security patches and must be running a supported version of Android. Click here for a third-party list of Android releases and their end of support dates, as known at the time.

Click here for instructions on how to check and update your Android version.

watchOS (Apple Watch)

We do not support watchOS for university business. If you are using a watchOS device, you are responsible for keeping it up to date with Apple’s latest security patches. You must run a version of watchOS supported by Apple. Click here for a third-party list of watchOS releases and their end of support dates, as known at the time.

Click here for instructions on how to confirm your current version of watchOS.

Click here for instructions on how to update your watchOS device.

Supported Web Browsers

All the web browsers below are secure if kept up to date and should automatically update. However, it is occasionally necessary to trigger an update manually to make sure you have the latest security patches in response to emerging threats.


Google Chrome is our default and recommended browser for university business. Click here for instructions on how to check your current version of Chrome and update it to the latest version. Chrome works well with all major university systems and it is the most secure browser on SOU computers thanks to our ability to manage its security settings.

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