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All Users: Know Your Dashboard

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Your Dashboard lets you sort, manage, and prioritize courses and assignments—return to items and courses you’ve accessed recently, star courses that you access frequently, and hide courses you don't need at the moment. Best of all, you can rearrange the blocks to suit yourself!

Two things of special note about the Recently accessed courses and Recently accessed items blocks:

  1. Courses will only appear in the Recently accessed courses block if they are available to students. Faculty can quickly access courses for future terms by filtering or starring them in the Courses overview block (read on to learn how).
  2. Mac users will not see the horizontal scroll bar shown here, but you will be able to slide through the courses and items displayed.

Here’s an overview of your dashboard’s features:

  • In addition to the course related blocks that appear in the main section of your dashboard, there are also links in the blocks panel on the right for helpful tools. Be sure to expand the panel from time to time as tools may be added throughout the term.
  • The Upcoming events block displays links to items that have due dates. Each item will be linked for easy access.
  • The Recently accessed courses block provides quick access to courses you have been working in recently. Use the navigation links in the upper right corner of the block to find the course you need.
  • Similarly, the Recently accessed items block has links to activities and resources you’ve opened recently.
  • Starring your courses makes it easy to find the courses you access most often. Click on the More icon in the lower right corner of the course card in the Course overview block below to star a course.
  • The Course overview block offers the most options for viewing your courses—this is also the view you’ll have in the My courses link at the top of the page:
    • Filter your courses by status (in progress, past, future, starred),
    • Use the search field to find a course by name or CRN,
    • Sort by last accessed or by course name,
    • Change your view from the standard “card” view to a list or summary display, 
    • Star a favorite course or remove a past course from view, and/or
    • Set the number of courses to view in one page (12, 24, 48, 96, All).

A quick note about the progress bar in the course display—unless an instructor specifically informs you that the progress bar truly is connected to all of the work you will do in the course, please disregard the percentage complete indicator. Most instructors do not use this setting, but there's no way for us to hide it.

Annotate view of dashboard page

So far, we've shown you the "Card" view of your course list. You can also choose the "List" view:

Screenshot of list view of coursesOr "Summary" view:

Screenshot of course summary view

To rearrange the blocks on your dashboard page, click on the Edit mode button in the upper right corner. With editing on, you'll see controls in the upper right corner of each block. If you want to shift a block to a different location, use the Move icon to drag and drop it in place. To move it to the side panel, click on the Actions menu and select Configure .... block. In the block configuration window, use the pull-down menu in the On this page area to change the current location (what Moodle calls "region") — "content" denotes the central portion of your page, while "right" indicates the right panel. You can use the Weight field to indicate where on the page you'd like the block to appear or use the move icon to drag and drop it after you save your changes. Click on the Edit mode button again to stop customizing your page when you're done rearranging blocks; click on the Reset page to default button to start over.

Screenshot of dashboard customization options


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