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Enabling DUO Multi-Factor Authentication - Knowledgebase / Account Help / Multi-factor Authentication - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Enabling DUO Multi-Factor Authentication

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1. Login to InsideSOU

*Important* You must have a smart phone, tablet, or token to enable multi-factor authentication.

Begin by logging into InsideSOU and locating the DUO tab in the Account Management box. Click Enable DUO Multi-Factor. To learn more about DUO Multi-factor, read our FAQs and guides.

2. Enable DUO Multi-Factor

Click Enable DUO Multi-Factor again to confirm that you want to really enable multi-factor authentication. Remember, once you pass this step, you cannot disable DUO without contacting the Information Technology department!

3. Confirmation

After a moment or two, you should receive confirmation that DUO has been enabled on your account. Click the link to return to InsideSOU.

4. Continue to Device Enrollment

To finish enrollment, go back to the DUO tab in the Account Management box and click Manage Your SOU DUO Account. If you do not follow this step, you will instead be prompted to complete enrollment the next time you log into InsideSOU. Follow this guide to device enrollment. To learn more about DUO Multi-factor, read our other FAQs and guides.

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