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Faculty: Add a Textbox

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A textbox allows you to post information directly on your main course page. Textboxes are useful as signposts in your course, serving as headings for different kinds of materials in a section. (FYI, textboxes were called “labels” in prior versions of Moodle.)

Textboxes can also contain a variety of content such as:

  • Overview of weekly activities and assignments
  • YouTube videos
  • Special notices about course resources or activities
  • Bulleted list of topics for the week

To create a textbox, click on Add an activity or resource and select Textbox. See this guide to embedding links for information about creating links in a textbox. 

Note: New textboxes are created with completion tracking turned off. If you have legacy textboxes from courses created in earlier terms, see these instructions to turn off completion tracking for textboxes in bulk.

Screenshot of textbox

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