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Faculty: Change Text Editor - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Change Text Editor

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The upgrade to Moodle 4.1 brought with it a new "TinyMCE" text editor with a wide range of functions. Formerly, the "Atto" editor, created to provide more accessible content online, was our default text editor. TinyMCE has caught up with accessibility standards and Moodle plans to phase out Atto in the not-too-distant future, so TinyMCE has been designated the default editor moving forward. It's easy to switch between the two editors, so you can enjoy the advantages each offers.

Screenshot of preferences menu with text editor highlightedTo switch between editors:

  1. Use the pull-down user menu in the top right hand corner of any Moodle page to select Preferences.
  2. On the Preferences page, select Editor preferences.
  3. From the pull-down menu, select the editor you want to use.
  4. Save changes.


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