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Faculty: Create a Rubric (Advanced Grading) - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Create a Rubric (Advanced Grading)

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"Advanced grading" allows us to create rubrics for grading assignments. The video below does a good job of providing an overview of how to create and use a rubric. (See following note for additional information about our version of Moodle.)

Three things to know:

  • Each cell in a Moodle rubric can only have one point assigned to it, you can't set a range of points for a criterion. Grading guides allow for more flexibility.
  • If you want students to see the rubric before they complete an assignment, you can make it available to them.
  • Points may be calculated a little differently than you expect. Mary Cooch recommends reviewing this related documentation at for a comprehensive explanation. The important thing to know is that one level of the rubric needs to be set for zero points in order for the scores to be calculated correctly.


  • The video says that students will see a description that you enter when you are creating your rubric. They will not, so you're free to leave it blank or add a note that will have meaning for you alone.
  • To go back into an activity to edit a rubric in our current version, open the activity's link and click on the Advanced grading tab in the activity menu at the top of the activity.
  • You can duplicate a row in your rubric, then update the wording as needed (see image below). If your rubric has similar language for several criteria, this may save you some keystrokes. (This duplicate feature does not yet work on marking guides or advanced grading checklists.)

Screenshot of rubric setup with duplication criterion highlighted

Scoring with a Rubric

To score an activity with a rubric, click in the appropriate cell to highlight it. You won't see scores in the rubric as you select individual cells, but a total score will be calculated and entered in the gradebook when you save your scoring. The textbox on the right is designed for comments.

Screenshot of grading interface

Reuse a Rubric

See these instructions for reusing a rubric to grade another assignment or forum.

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