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Faculty: Find a Missing Course

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Courses are found on our Home page as well as via links to our Dashboard and My courses in the top border of Moodle. On the Home page, new course shells will be located below the last course in your list that is available to students. In your Dashboard and My courses links, the Course overview section has a Search field where you can enter a course name or CRN and bring up a link to the course. Note that even courses that you have removed from view will appear in the search results.

Screenshot of course search field

Quick Tip: You can bookmark your dashboard or any main page of a Moodle course for quick reference! If you are not already logged into Moodle when you click on the bookmarked link, be sure to scroll down to the SOU Account Login link at the bottom of the log-in page.

Link to what to do if courses are missing.

Learn more about course start and end dates.

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