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Faculty: Find Missing Assignment Files

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A funny thing happened to me on the way to grading.....

.... and it could happen to you!

Moodle let me know that I had submissions that needed grading — I had set up the assignment link to notify me when submissions were made and the submissions also showed up in the Recent activity block.  So, I opened the assignment link and confirmed that yes, indeed, I did have assignments to grade:

So, I clicked on the Grade link and my "Requires grading" filter said I had no submissions to grade.


But how could that be! I knew that I had new submissions to review. Moodle told me three different ways that I had new submissions! Where were they?!

And this could happen to you (hence this article!).

What I figured out was that the last time I had looked at assignments in my course, I filtered the assignment results by S to locate a submission turned in with a specific learner. What Moodle does, it turns out, is maintain that filter until I intentionally remove it. Here's what it looked like when I reopened the assignment link using the View all submissions option:

Thus, Moodle was doing exactly what I had told it to do: filter out all of the assignments that need grading.... submitted by people whose last name starts with S. And there weren't any!

There are two ways to fix this: click on the All link or click on the ink labeled Reset table preferences. As soon as I removed the restriction, voilà, I had three submissions to review.

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