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Faculty: Fix Broken File Links

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62951010TQTDSNDAXKZJXKN0-broken-links.jpgWhen you import materials from a prior course, files that are posted on the course home page will always come across in the import and be available to students as usual. However, files that are embedded through links in web pages (books, assignment links, glossaries, etc.) may not make it into the new course site during the import process. The good news is that it is not difficult to repair these broken links—and once they are repaired, they should remain linked in future imports, so you only have to repair the breaks this one time.

If you embed links to files and images in your sites, consider posting a notice like the one above that appears in a page in one of my course sites.

This guide will walk you through the re-linking process. Contact the Center for Instructional Support for assistance.

Bonus Tip: Are your editing toolbars missing when you open an existing textbox? These instructions will have you editing again in a hurry.

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