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Faculty: Restore Text Editing Toolbars - Knowledgebase / Moodle / Faculty - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Faculty: Restore Text Editing Toolbars

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Missing your HTML editing toolbars when you open a textbox? There are two solutions, depending on where you are missing the toolbar. (See this guide to the TinyMCE editing toolbar for more info. See this guide to changing your toolbar preferences.)

Advanced Forums

Forums don't automatically provide toolbars in reply text boxes. To display the editing toolbar, you need to click on the Use advanced editor link in the lower right corner of the screen. These instructions will help!

General Textboxes

If your toolbars are missing in other textboxes, the problem is a result of their being set to "Moodle auto-format." In this format, the editing toolbar is not displayed and all you see is plain text or text with a lot of funny source code mixed up with it. Fortunately, bringing your toolbars and editing functions back is a snap!

Moodle auto-format

  1. Locate the pull-down menu beneath the item description textbox.
  2. Choose HTML format.
  3. Scroll down and click on Save and display.
  4. Reopen the item in edit (update) mode. Voilà—your toolbars are back in place and all of the HTML source code has gone back behind the scenes where it can do the most good.

Happy editing!


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