Moodle allows you to provide links to resources and activities by using tags. Here's how it works:
As you create resources and activities, you tag them with an appropriate key word (or words). The tags will appear in the Tags block. Clicking on a key word will display links to all of the items you have tagged with that key word.

To tag an item, open it in edit view, then expand the Tags option area. Enter the first key word in the field provided and click on Enter to save the tag. Add more tags if appropriate. Save the item to record your changes.

Locate the new Tags block (ignore all of the random tags in it) and hover over the top of the block to display the editing icons. Click on the Configure Tags block icon.
In the Configuring a Tags block page, set the number of tags to display. In the Tagged items context field, use the pull-down menu to select your course name. Click on Save changes to display the tags that you have attached to items in your course.

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