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Faculty: Work with Audio/Video Files

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62950942QHSQCYKXTMTGZTD0-Audio-visual-slide.gifWhen adding audio and video files, be sure that you provide captions and/or transcripts to meet accessibility standards.

While Moodle allows us to load files as large as 50MB, posting big files takes up valuable server space and can present difficulties for students who have slow Internet connections. (A 1MB file can take 10-20 minutes to download on a dial-up connection, for instance.) Instead of posting large audio or video files directly in Moodle, we recommend that instructors (and students) post these files on their Google drive or on sites such as:

Your SOU YouTube Account

All SOU faculty, staff and students have a YouTube account as part of their SOU Gmail account. You can use this account (or a personal account) to post your own videos. To access your YouTube account:

  1. Sign into your SOU email account. 62950943TNZMZSJTNCTSXBY0-Apps.png
  2. Click on the Apps link next to your user name near the top right corner of the screen. When the pop-up menu appears, click on More and then on YouTube.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can open a new tab or window in the same browser and go to
  3. Click on Sign In at the top right corner of the YouTube screen.
  4. If this is the first time you've logged into YouTube through your SOU account, follow the onscreen instructions to set up your account.
  5. To post a video or to record one from your webcam, click on the Upload button near the top right corner of the screen and follow the onscreen instructions.
  6. To edit settings for any videos that you previously uploaded, click on your profile picture near the top right corner of the YouTube screen and then on the Creator Studio link.


  • During or after the upload process, you can add the video title, description, etc.
  • If you don't want the video to be viewable by everyone, set the Privacy option to Unlisted. Don't choose Private, as that setting is too restrictive.
  • YouTube allows videos of up to 15 minutes in length. For pedagogical reasons we recommend that you limit your videos to 10 minutes or less. However, if you need to post videos that are longer than 15 minutes, click on the Upload button near the top right corner of the YouTube screen. Click on the Increase your limit link in the HELP AND SUGGESTIONS section of the next screen. You will be asked to provide a phone number. After entering and submitting the code sent to that phone number, your account will be set up for longer uploads. Be sure to complete this step before posting any long videos.
  • Some programs such as Camtasia or Screencast-o-matic might not allow you to access your YouTube directly. If that happens or if you simply prefer uploading directly to YouTube, save the video to your computer (preferably in MP4 format) and upload it to YouTube as instructed in step 5 above.
  • If you go to the YouTube page without first logging into your SOU Gmail account, enter your SOU email address in the User name field. Leave the Password field blank and click on Login. This will take you to the SOU login page.

Once a video has been posted to YouTube or other video hosting site, follow p. 2 of these instructions for embedding a link to the video.

If you have an assignment where you want students to be able to view or hear each other's files, you can create a discussion forum where they can paste their links in a forum message. If you don't want students to share their files with each other, you can set up an "Online text" Assignment and ask students to include a link in the text they submit. Students can follow these instructions for embedding a video in Moodle.

For assistance with audio and visual files, contact the Center for Instructional Support.

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