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How to Clear Malware from Google Chrome - Knowledgebase / Application and Online Services Help / Web browsers - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Clear Malware from Google Chrome

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Google Chrome includes a feature to synchronize your browser data between computers, including web browser extensions. This is a convenient feature, but when malware infects your Google Chrome browser, it can hitch a ride on the sync data and become difficult to remove with anti-virus programs. This article will show you how to reset your Google Chrome browser to recover from this kind of infection. If you need help, contact your Computing Coordinator or call our IT Helpdesk at 541-552-6900.

Step 1 - Back up your Bookmarks

Just to be safe, you should back up your Google Chrome bookmarks before proceeding.

Step 2 - Reset your Google Chrome sync data

This will clear out the malware and prevent it from re-infecting your computers.

  1. Select Settings.
  2. In the "People" section, select Sync and Google services.
  3. Select Data from Chrome sync.
  4. At the bottom, select Reset sync.

Step 3 - Reset Google Chrome to Default Settings

This step resets all of your Google Chrome settings to default, clearing out the malware still resident on your computer and any of the settings it may have hijacked in your browser. Follow Google's instructions here.

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