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How to Install Self Service Software on a Macintosh - Knowledgebase / Mac - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Install Self Service Software on a Macintosh

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SOU Macintosh users can install a variety of software packages on their computer without the need for administrator access in two easy steps by using our Self Service app.

Step 1 - Launch the Self Service app


You can find the Self Service app in your Applications folder, or just search for it using Spotlight.


Self Service in the Applications Folder

A picture of the Self Service app in the Applications folder on a Macintosh.

Self Service in Spotlight

A picture of searching for Self Service within Apple's Spotlight feature.

Step 2 - Locate the desired software package within Self Service


You can either browse to the program or search for it using the built-in search bar. Once you have located it, click on the Install button within its entry and wait for Self Service to indicate that the install has finished. It will show that it is still installing the program in the status screen near the top of the window and by displaying a number on the download button neat the top-right corner of the screen. After the installation has finished, the status areas will revert to their normal state and the application package will disappear from Self Service because it is now installed on your Macintosh computer. You can now locate and run the software like any other program on your computer.


Installing Software within Self Service

A picture of installing a piece of software within Software Center, drawing attention to the areas of the window where the installation progress are displayed.

Need Help?


If you encounter issues with Self Service or any of the software packages you have installed through it, please contact your Computing Coordinator or call our IT Helpdesk at 541-552-6900.

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