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How to Set Your Preferred First Name, Gender Identification, and Pronouns - Knowledgebase / Account Help - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Set Your Preferred First Name, Gender Identification, and Pronouns

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If you would like for a preferred first name that differs from your legal first name to appear in our online services and systems, you can set that preferred first name at any time by logging in to InsideSOU and clicking on the Personal Information link within the box to manage your settings (pictures below). On the next screen, click the Edit button in the top-right region of the Personal Details box. On the next screen, you will find text fields and dropdown menus where you can set your preferred first name, preferred gender identification, and your preferred pronouns. Click Update to save your changes when you're finished.

If you have trouble setting your preferred first name, gender identification, or pronouns, or you notice that your new preferred first name does not appear everywhere you expect it to after 24 hours, then please call our IT Helpdesk at 541-552-6900 or email us at

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