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Setting up your Personal Web Page on - Knowledgebase / Web - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

Setting up your Personal Web Page on

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Every SOU faculty, staff, or student can create their own personal website. Personal web sites can be viewed at:, replacing username with your actual username.

Personal web pages must follow these guidelines:

  1. Web pages must be consistent with campus policies, especially those concerning the “Computing Resources Acceptable Use Policy” and “Copyright Compliance.” (You can find digital copies of these polices at the Information Technology department's Policies, Planning, and Governance webpage.) Of special note, it is strictly prohibited to publish on any personal web page:
    • Unauthorized reproductions of copyrighted material
    • Obscene, lewd, or sexually harassing images or text
    • Materials that are slanderous or defamatory in nature, or that otherwise violate existing laws or the University’s codes of conduct
    • Materials designed as a commercial activity such as creating products or services for sale.
  2. The following disclaimer should appear on all personal Web pages:

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author and are not official statements of Southern Oregon University.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get an account?
A: If you are a student, faculty, or staff member at SOU, you already have one. Just sign in to using a secure FTP client (port 22) like FileZilla or WinSCP.  You may also use SSH to connect to

Q: Where is my website?
A: Your website will be located at[username] where [username] is your SOU username.

Q: I've changed the owner of my file and now I can't access it. What do I do?
A: Webpages uses ACLs which affect permissions on the file system. In general, it is not a good idea to change ownership of your files, or mess with group permissions. If you change ownership of a file to another user, change it back.

Comment (1)

Jakob Lovern
The SOU eClassifieds ( no longer exists. (The above link returns a NXDOMAIN when you do a DNS lookup.)

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