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Students: Browser Requirements for Taking Quizzes

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62951017TNZRMNSTHGMZJAH0-firefox_recommended.gifThe browser you use to access Moodle can make a big difference in your ability to successfully complete a quiz in Moodle. For best results:

  • Be sure to use a recent version of Firefox (on a Mac or PC) or Internet Explorer (on a PC).
  • Do not use Chrome, Safari, or any other browser to take a test.
  • Review the related article in this knowledgebase carefully to reduce potential test-taking problems.

Need to download a browser?

  • To download the latest version of Firefox, go to this link.
  • To download the latest version of Internet Explorer, go to this link.

Note: You may need to temporarily disable your firewall settings if you are using a computer or network connection that has a firewall.

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