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Students: Inserting Images in Moodle

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It's not hard to insert images in Moodle posts, but you do need to be careful about image size. Some important things to note about inserting images directly in Moodle textboxes such as forum posts, online text assignments and glossaries:

  • Images must be saved as individual files in order to be inserted in Moodle.
  • Acceptable image file types are .jpg, .gif, and .png.
  • To insert an image in a forum post, click on Use advanced editor and other options before you begin typing your response.
  • You cannot copy and paste or drag and drop an image into Moodle. You must use the Insert/edit image icon on the toolbar, as described at right and in the guide linked below.
  • Images will display in their "native" (original) size, so be prepared to adjust them for best fit.

Large image files (more than 500K) are slow to load and take up valuable storage space. Use a photo editing program to reduce a big image or contact the Help Desk for assistance.

The illustration with steps numbered in blue shows how to go about inserting an image using the Tiny MCE editor. This guide will walk you through the entire image insertion process using this editor. If you are using the Atto editor, follow the steps numbered in red. (Read about changing your text editor.)

Bonus: Need to resize a photo before you upload it? These instructions are just what you need!



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