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Students: Record Audio or Video Response

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We're now able to record brief audio or video clips in Moodle textboxes. You can record up to two minutes in an audio or video file in any textbox that includes these tools.

Screenshot of audio fileScreenshot of video recordingTo create an audio or video recording of up to two minutes, open a textbox and click on the appropriate icon. Click on the Start recording button. When you're done speaking, click on Stop recording, then click on Attach recording or Record again, depending on how happy you are with the result.

This illustration shows the tools in the Atto editor:

Screenshot of audio and video icons in AttoThese are the icons in the TinyMCE editor:

Screenshot of TinyMCE recording iconsNote: In a discussion forum textbox, click on Advanced to display the text editor if it is not already showing.

Screenshot of recording interface

Comment (1)

Lisa Schnoor
This is a helpfiul tool for persons that have difficulty typing.

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