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Students: Using Moodle's Calendar

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62951021ZWTGBMMZDWWCPBZ0-calendar.pngUsing Moodle's Calendar Feature

Class, homework, exams, papers, quizzes, parties, concerts, movies. . . The list goes on and on. You have so much to do, and it can be difficult keeping up with it all. How do you do it? One solution is to use your Moodle Calendar. The calendar can become a great planning tool for your school and personal life. On your Moodle Calendar, you will see different types of events, assignment due dates, and course or school reminders. The Moodle Calendar can be accessed from your Moodle home page and may be found on some of your course pages. 

For more information, view this video from Ecclesia College:

The Student's Guide to Moodle: Episode 4 from Ecclesia College.

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