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Students: What to Do If You Lose Test Data

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62951018NMKYKGDNBJPMKPG0-testing.gifTechnology sometimes fails us. If you have problems submitting a test, follow these steps to get help:

No Answers Appear on Test

  • After submitting the test, you should see a confirmation of your submission. If you see a test page with no answers selected, use the “Back” button in your browser to return to your test and resubmit.

Error Message Reports Submission Problem

If you receive an error message:

  • Note the message word-for-word (or take a screenshot).
  • Indicate the date and time.
  • Note the course name (CRN is great!) and test name.
  • Describe the steps taken preceding the error, including information about your operating system (PC or Mac) and browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.).
  • Report the error message and surrounding circumstances to the SOU Help Desk (541-552-6900 or for troubleshooting.
  • Notify your instructor of the problem and request further instructions.

For more information about taking tests, check out this related article.

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