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How to Update Windows 10 to the Latest Version - Knowledgebase / Windows - SOU IT and Service Center Help Desk

How to Update Windows 10 to the Latest Version

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This article will show you how to safely update your version of Windows 10 to the latest version from Microsoft.

With Windows 10, Microsoft switched to a rapid release model for the Windows operating system. That means that Microsoft releases a major "service pack" for Windows 10 twice a year. These are sizable updates that add or change major features in the Windows 10 operating system. The IT Department restricts them coming through our Windows update system in order to give us time to thoroughly test these substantial updates before rolling them out to campus. When it is time for your computer to receive the update, your Computing Coordinator will contact you.

If you did not come to this article because your Computing Coordinator asked you to install the latest Windows 10 version, then please STOP and check with your Computing Coordinator before proceeding! Although this upgrade process is non-destructive to your data, it may significantly change Windows or break the functionality of certain programs.


We have never seen this upgrade erase data for people, but you can never be too safe.

Be advised that the update process can take upwards of one hour. You can continue to work while the update installs for part of the process, but please avoid working in documents that need to be saved because you will not receive much of a warning before the computer reboots.

If you want to verify that the update completed, we recommend that note your version of Windows 10 before the update and then check it again after the update. If the version number changed, then your update completed successfully.

How to Update through Software Center

Follow these instructions if you are using a SOU-issued Windows computer while on the SOU campus. If you are not using a SOU-issued computer, or if you are not currently on-campus, then follow the instructions in the next section to get the update directly from Microsoft.

Step 1 - Launch Software Center

Follow the instructions in our KB article on Software Center.

Step 2 - Find and Install the OS Update

Click on Operating Systems in the list of links on the left side of the Software Center window, then select the Win10 Upgrade item in the apps list. It should be the only item there.

Click the Install button to start the installation, then verify one more time that you wish to start the installation. Once you start, you cannot cancel.

You should see the following progress window as the update installs. It can take upwards of 45 minutes for this window to go away, then your computer will reboot several times to finish the upgrade, which can take another 15 minutes or longer.

When the update is finished, sign in to Windows again as you usually would.

How to Update through

If you are off-campus or using a personal Windows device, you can update to the latest version of Windows 10 directly from Microsoft by visiting Click the Update now button on that webpage to begin.

Download the upgrade assistant program and then run it. It should launch itself after it is done installing, and it will leave a shortcut on your desktop and in your list of all programs that you can use to launch it later.

Click Update Now to get started.

The update assistant will check your system for compatibility with the latest version of Windows 10. If it passes, you can click Next to continue. If it does not pass, contact your Computing Coordinator for assistance.

Wait while the update assistant downloads the files it needs over the Internet. This will take a while. You can minimize the window while it is working if you want to focus on something else.

Wait while the update assistant verifies the download. This can take a few minutes.

Wait while the update assistant installs the new version of Windows 10. This can take a while.

Eventually your computer will reboot in order to finish installing the new version of Windows 10. That final step can take 15 minutes or longer depending on your hardware. Please be patient while it finishes. When the update finishes, log back in to Windows as you normally would.

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