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Faculty: All Moodle Articles

Authors list

Because some of our articles are pdfs that are not linked in this knowledgebase, these links from the Moodle How-tos page are posted here for your reference. For assistance, contact the CATL staff or submit a ticket here in To find an article more quickly, try using Ctrl+F to search for a key word.

Instructional Resiliency Guide

Faculty Guides for Teaching with Moodle

We have created many guides and articles to help you manage your Moodle courses. Let us know what else you'd like to know more about!

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Submit a ticket and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Faculty—New to Moodle? Find what you need on our Getting Started page.
Moodle Basics for Faculty
The everything-you-need-to-know guide to getting started in Moodle at SOU!
Visit the Moodle Support Theater for video tutorials on getting started in Moodle, creating quizzes, using the gradebook and much, much more!

Log into Moodle and click on the image provided in the right column of your home page to enroll yourself in Moodle Support Theater.

Click on a topic below for related articles and guides. Happy Moodling!



Course Set-Up




An Important Note About Forums

Open forums will be phased out over the next several terms in favor of the newly upgraded Forums. Existing Open forums accommodate discussion, but they cannot be edited nor will the changes that apply to the new Forums affect Open forums. See FAQs and an overview of changes to forums since the 3.8 upgrade.


Grade Forums - See Whole Forum Grading and Ratings in Forums
For video tutorials on setting up your gradebook, enroll in Moodle Support Theater (link provided on your Moodle landing page).




 Tools for Student Engagement

These activities and features can help you support learner engagement in your course:

User Management

User Settings


All Zoom accounts may now hold meetings for more than 40 minutes. There is no need to request a Pro account at this time.

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